Mobile ID
GWorld is excited to offer CBORD Mobile ID, the app that offers you the convenience of a room key on your phone. It functions as a limited GWorld card, allowing residents to unlock their residence hall room doors with their Android or Apple phone. Mobile ID works with any card-reader-equipped suite or room door to which a resident normally has access. In specific circumstances, Mobile ID will even grant access to exterior doors, elevators, and stairwells.
- Download Instructions
- Download the free app for iPhone or Android.
- Once you’ve opened the app and reached the “Authorization Required” screen, follow the steps below.
- On an iPhone, tap the arrow next to the server URL box and search for, “The George Washington University”
- On an Android, tap the server URL box, followed by choose server, and search for “The George Washington University”
- Having an issue? You can also try entering the URL “”
- Press “Authenticate my Device”
- On the Login page, enter your NetID and password, then press “Submit”
- Tap “Authorize”
- Choose a 4 digit pin
- Unlocking Your Room or Suite
- Open Mobile ID
- Enter your 4 digit pin
- Choose “My door” or “My suite”
- Swipe the arrow right, where is says “SWIPE CARD”
- Your room or suite door will unlock
- Keep in mind, the app checks your location to make sure you are directly in front of the door. It will not open a door you aren’t near.
- Getting Into Your Residence Hall When You've Misplaced Your GWorld
- Open Mobile ID
- Set your card to “Lost” on the bottom of the screen
- You’ll now be able to use Mobile ID to open any door to which you normally have approval for up to 3 days. Keep in mind that while your card is marked “Lost,” your GWorld Card will not work
- Once you’ve found your GWorld Card, open Mobile ID and mark your card “Found.” This will allow you to resume normal use of your GWorld card
- Having Issues with Mobile ID?
- Make sure location services are turned on for Mobile ID. Mobile ID is location restricted and will only work when you are in your residence hall
- Make sure your phone is connected to GWireless
- Mobile ID can only be authenticated on one device at a time. If you have a new phone and have trouble authenticating the app, please contact GWorld for assistance
- Terms and Conditions
- Mobile ID is for use on your personal device only. It should not be shared/activated on a device belonging to anyone else
- Trying to authenticate your Mobile ID account on multiple devices will result in your Mobile ID account being locked for up to 3 days
- Once your housing assignment expires or changes, your GWorld access and Mobile ID access will change with it