GWorld Mobile Card for Android Phones
GWorld, your official GW university identification card, is now available on your mobile device.
Store your GWorld Card on your Android phone. Use your GWorld Mobile Card to access on-campus buildings and make payments at on- and off-campus locations that accept GWorld. Once you install your GWorld Card on your mobile device, tap your device at locations where you would tap or swipe a physical card.
GW Students, Faculty and Staff
Activate Your GWorld Mobile Card on Your Android Phone
Starting March 18, 2025, currently enrolled students and all employees (faculty and staff) can stop using their physical card and transition to using a GWorld Mobile Card stored on their Android device. All new employees and students are eligible for GWorld Mobile Cards.
Mobile cards and physical cards will both be active through April 1 for community members who choose to go mobile.
During this two-week transition period, please review the troubleshooting and FAQs on this page, or contact our office if you have any technical issues with your new GWorld Mobile Card.
We recommend that you keep your physical GWorld Card with you at all times through the end of the spring semester.
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Note: GWorld Mobile Cards are not an available option for alumni, MFA and UHS employees, contractors and Friends of GW. These GW affiliate community members will continue to use a physical GWorld Card.
Requirements for GWorld Mobile Cards
To set-up and store your GWorld Mobile Card on your Android phone, you must meet all four requirements:
- 1. Have Access to an Eligible Mobile Device
An Android phone that runs Lollipop (5.1) or higher, with NFC turned on.
- 2. An Approved Photo
The photo on file with the GWorld Office will transfer to your GWorld Mobile Card during the mobile card set-up process.
- 3. Use GW Two-Step Authentication
GW’s Two-Step authentication is required to set-up your GWorld Mobile Card. Follow GW Single Sign-on to confirm your GW identity.
- 4. The GET Mobile App
The GET Mobile app helps you manage your GWorld account and is needed to set-up your GWorld Mobile Card.
Note: You must meet all of the requirements to be a GWorld Mobile Card user. If you do not meet one or more of the requirements, you will continue to use your physical GWorld Card.
Set-up Instructions for GWorld Mobile Cards on Android Phones
Follow this two-step process to set-up and store your GWorld Card on your Android phone.
- Step 1: Download or Open the GET Mobile App
1a. If you do not have the GET Mobile app, install the app.
- Select George Washington University as your institution.
- Note: Do not choose the GW affiliates institution option.
- Login with your GW UserID and password.
- Complete GW Single Sign-on.
- If successful, your name, photo, and George Washington University will appear at the top of the GET screen.
- Next, continue to Step 2: Add ID to Your Phone.
1b. If you have the GET Mobile app already installed on your mobile device:
- If your GET Mobile app says George Washington University at the top, proceed to step 2: Add ID to Your Phone.
- If your GET Mobile app says George Washington U Affiliates, select “Settings” from the bottom menu.
- Scroll all the way down to “Log Out”.
- Once logged-out, follow next steps:
- Select George Washington University as your institution.
- Note: Do not choose the other GW affiliates option.
- Login with your GW UserID and password.
- Complete Two-Step Authentication.
- If successful, George Washington University, your name, and photo will appear at the top of the GET screen.
- Next, continue to Step 2: Add ID to Your Phone.
- Select George Washington University as your institution.
- Select George Washington University as your institution.
- Step 2: Add ID to Your Phone
- Click the “Add ID to Phone” button.
- The next screen is the GWorld Terms and Conditions. Click the link to read and then click the blue “Accept” button at the bottom of the screen.
- Your phone will load your card into the GET Mobile app and “Mobile ID enabled” will appear under your photo. Please note it may take up to several minutes for your Mobile ID to be enabled.
- Once installed, start using your GWorld Mobile Card.
Where Can I Use or Not Use My GWorld Mobile Card on My Android Device?
Review our general Go Mobile guide for more information on where to use your GWorld Mobile card.
Troubleshooting Android Technical Issues
- Tips for Daily/Everyday Use:
- To use, tap your mobile device at a reader just like you would tap your physical card.
- If the reader does not respond to your phone when you tap it, try tapping different parts of the phone until you find where it works best. Your phone should work in the same orientation on all card readers.
- You must keep the GET Mobile app open in the background for your GWorld Mobile Card to work.
- You may need to wake up or unlock your Android device for the GWorld Mobile Card to work.
- You do not need to click on the Scan Card option in GET. Scan Card is not related to the GWorld Mobile Card.
- How do I verify and/or update my Android phone device version and software?
From your device tap: Settings > About Phone > Software Information
To update, from your device tap: Settings > General > Software Update >Download >Install
Passcode may be required. Your device will display the estimated download time.
- How many devices can I add?
You can add one eligible Android phone. See the ‘Securing My Account’ section if you have lost a device and need to deactivate your credential.
- I have added my GWorld Mobile Card to my Android device, but it is not working.
Please try the following:
- Ensure you are presenting your GWorld Mobile Card properly to the reader. Tapping your device straight up and down typically works best.
- If you are presenting your GWorld Mobile Card and the reader is not reacting, open the GET Mobile App (Android).
- After logging into GET Mobile, try to present your GWorld Mobile Card to the reader again. Some devices require the user to log in to the GET Mobile app once daily in order to utilize your GWorld Mobile Card.
- Ensure you have properly set-up your GWorld Mobile Card In the GET Mobile app, you should see the status of Mobile ID enabled.
If you are still encountering issues, please contact the GWorld Office at [email protected] or call 202-994-1795 for support.
- GET indicates “Mobile ID Installed (not ready).” What should I do?
Check the app permissions. To see permissions, press and hold the GET Mobile app, select App info from the popup and select permissions. All permissions should be set to “enabled”.
- How do I use my GWorld Mobile Card on my Android device?
To access your GWorld Mobile Card, your device does not need to be unlocked, but the screen should be awake. Ensure NFC is turned on by going to your device’s Settings. Android devices can vary in the placement of the NFC antenna. Tap the top of the device to the reader. If this does not work, tap the back body of the device to the reader. Some devices require the user to log in to the GET Mobile app once daily to utilize the GWorld Mobile Card.
- Does my Android device need to be awake to use my GWorld Mobile Card?
You do not need to unlock your device (unless you have enabled Require Device Unlock), but the screen will need to be lit and awake in order to use your GWorld Mobile Card.
- Can I use my GWorld Mobile Card if my Android device has a dead battery?
You will need to ensure your device is charged in order to utilize your GWorld Mobile Card.
- Can I use my GWorld Mobile Card without a cellular signal?
Your GWorld Mobile Card can be used even if the Android device does not have network connectivity, as your GWorld Mobile Card is stored on your device.
- How do I transfer my GWorld Mobile Card if I get a new device?
Remove your GWorld Mobile Card from your old device. Do this by opening the GET Mobile app, going to Settings and clicking on Unlink.
Once you have completed this, you will simply repeat the process of provisioning through the GET Mobile app on your new device.
- What happens if I lose my Android device? If I find it afterward?
Visit the GWorld GET Portal (Desktop) or GET App (Android) and select “I Lost My Card” to disable or re-enable your GWorld Mobile Card.
General FAQs: Using a GWorld Mobile Card on Android
- Do I have to pay a fee to download my GWorld Mobile Card onto my mobile device?
There is no cost to use your GWorld card on your mobile device.
- Do I have to have a photo?
Yes, an approved photo by the GWorld Office is required for eligibility. If you have an approved photo on file with the GWorld Office you will not need to take a new one. If you do not have an approved photo on file with the GWorld Office you will need to submit your photo. It may take up to two business days for approval. Once approved, continue with the set-up process.
- Is a mobile card just for students?
Currently employed faculty, staff, as well as currently enrolled students are eligible to store their GWorld Card on their mobile device as long as they meet all device and software requirements.
GW alumni, MFA and US employees, visitors, contractors and Friends of GW are currently not eligible to receive a GWorld Mobile Card and will continue to use a physical GWorld Card.
- How do I use my GWorld Mobile Card to access my GW Meal Plan, Dining Dollars or Campus Cash?
Instead of using your physical GWorld Card to ‘swipe’ for your meal at on-campus GW Dining locations, tap your mobile device with your GWorld Mobile Card at the reader. Off-campus dining partners also now have tap readers to accept the GWorld Mobile Card.
- Do I need to reactivate my devices each semester?
No. As long as your enrollment status meets our eligibility requirements, devices you have enrolled will remain current.
- My mobile screen reader or other digital accessibility app or program is not able to identify or read my GWorld Mobile Card content to me, including my Meal Plan balance and other personal information. What can I do?
GW is committed to digital accessibility. If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access content, let us know by reporting a barrier to accessibility.
- Will my GWorld Mobile Card work with off-campus merchants?
Yes, you can use your GWorld Mobile Card at off-campus merchants where GWorld is accepted.
- What if I have a question that isn’t here in this FAQs?
Check out the GWorld Office’s general FAQs.
Contact the GWorld Office at 202-994-1795 or [email protected]. Or stop by the GWorld Office to ask your question in-person.